These events are sponsored by BVFF members Al & Gretchen Beatty
Zoom On The Fly with Fred DuPre– Friday, 1 Jul 22, 6:00 PM MDT
Last week we demonstrated using a laptop AND a smartphone as a viable Zoom tying presentation option. Most of us have both so the cost is minimal. This week, Fred DuPre will demonstrate an even better option using an inexpensive, manual focus webcam and a computer. Fred is a real pioneer in the Zoom presentation world with the method he calls “Zoom Presentations on the Cheap!” That said, rest assured, there is nothing cheap about the quality of his instruction. Join us on Friday to learn a great Zooming method and instruction style from this FFI Buz Buszek Award recipient. You’ll be glad you did.
As a heads up, our presentation on 8Jul22 will be the last. We’ll be discussing equipment options and getting YOUR Zoom studio operational.

Gretchen & Al Beatty are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Zoom on the Fly-Friday with Fred Dupre, 1 Jul 22 6:00 PM MDT
Time: Jul 1, 2022 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 7640 7733
Passcode: 281243