Boise Valley Fly Fishers
Since 1971


In-Person Whitefish Derby 2025

  • 08 Mar 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • South Fork Boise River


Registration is closed

In-Person Whitefish Derby 2025


March 8, 2025

South Fork of the Boise, below Anderson Ranch Dam

8:30 AM  to 2:30 PM - Check-In/Sign-In at Village Boat Launch (See detailed map below)

9:00 AM - Fishing Starts

3:00 PM – Fishing Ends (please return to Village Boat Launch to report your catch results)

3:00 PM to 4:00 PM - Lunch will be provided for ALL and consist of Chili, Hot Dogs, chips, and soda provided by BVFF.

4:00 2025 In-Person Whitefish Derby awards.

Tie-breaker rules are listed below.

Outing Type:

On the water – In-Person - 1-day Event

Catch & Release for the Derby – see Derby Rules below.

Registration is required and we may have a limit on the number of people allowed. This will come from the permitting process with IDF&G.

Fish Species:

Mountain Whitefish

Boat/Float Tube

Not advised


Caution, winter conditions. Wading staff and belt are high recommended.

From Boise

80 miles. Under good road conditions this is a 90 minute trip.

From Boise goes east on I84. At the second Mt Home exit, Pilot station, turn north on Highway 20. In roughly 20 miles take the turn off to Fall Creek/Anderson Ranch. Go over the dam then turn left down to the river. Follow the road to Village Boat Ramp/Reclamation village.

Beware of road conditions based on weather. Drive carefully.

Snow tires, chains and 4WD are recommended.

Acknowledgement of Understanding:

Acknowledgement of Understanding: I affirm that I am voluntarily participating in this activity:

2025 In-Person Whitefish Derby

Date: March 8, 2025

and further acknowledge that I know and understand the inherent risks. I assume full responsibility for all sickness, injuries or damages that may occur to me because of participating in the named event. By registering I acknowledge that the Boise Valley Fly Fishers are not responsible for any illness or injury associated with my participation in the named event.

BVFF Host:

BVFF Outings Team

Host: Glenn Anders

Chef du Jour: Dennis Moore (2024 Steve Banks Memorial Whitefish Derby Winner)


If you have questions, please send an email to:

Detailed map to Village Boat Launch:

In-Person Whitefish Derby Rules:

1.    All participants must be current BVFF members for 2025 or their guest.

2.    Each participant must be registered for the event. Registration is available online or in person on the event day at the Village Boat Launch. Guests are registered through the member and the guest name and email will be provided.

3.   All participants will check-in prior to fishing and immediately after fishing with the coordinator at the Village Boat Launch. Failure to check-in will result in disqualification from receiving prizes awarded.

4.    Derby participants will submit their cell phone/camera photos no later than 3:30 PM at the Village Boat Launch check-in. For your submittal a picture of the whitefish held next to a readable tape measure, BVFF measuring through, or any obvious measuring device is required. BVFF measuring throughs for derby use will be available at the Village Boat Launch check-in.

5.   All participants agree to Catch-and-Release of all fish landed. Also, to use the utmost care to handle all fish landed with care and to Keep 'Em Wet.

6.   In case of a tie, this is the process to determine leader board placement:

o   Based on the photo time-stamp, entries will be placed in order beginning with the earliest caught during the derby fishing time 

o   The BVFF Whitefish Derby Coordinator(s) is the final judge for leader board placement

7.   BVFF requests that photos be provided for posting on the BVFF Facebook Page, send to

8.   The winning participant agrees to prepare the food for the 2026 In-Person Whitefish Derby (BVFF will pay for all materials and provide shelter and cooking equipment)


As required in our permit from Idaho Fish and Game (IDF&G) for this event, we will comply with this section:

Tournament Permits — All boats and/or anglers are required to have a copy of this permit in their possession during the event.

Prior to the start of the outing, we will forward to you a PDF copy of the permit. We request that you keep a copy of the permit on your mobile phone or print a copy to have you during the BVFF sponsored derby. We will also have a copy of the permit at the check-in area. You can photograph it for purposes of the derby.


1st Place:  Longest Fish: A $25.00 gift certificate from a Western Idaho Fly Fishing EXPO 2023 Sponsor or BVFF Folding Buck Knife (winner's choice)

2nd Place:  Drawing: Remaining prize


As almost exclusively bottom feeders, whitefish will readily take a variety of nymphs, especially those tied with bead heads. A few of the more popular patterns are; Golden Stonefly Nymphs, prince nymph, pheasant tail, zug bug, two-bit hooker, zebra midge, hare’s ear, and copper johns. Fly size ranges between 10 and 16 with size 12 being a good place to start. "Rainbow Warriors" in size 18-22 have also been very consistent Whitefish attractor patterns. 

Copyright © BVFF 2013 ---. All Rights Reserved.
The Boise Valley Fly Fishermen, Inc is a non-profit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, incorporated in the State of Idaho
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