Cutt-Slam Challenge
The BVFF Idaho Cutt-Slam Challenge is part of the BVFF Education and Conservation programs. The Challenge is an effort by BVFF to encourage members to learn more about cutthroat trout and highlight the value of species diversity in the fisheries. Learning to value these cutthroats throughout their range is a critical first step for their conservation and recovery.
That said the Challenge is also designed to give BVFF members another reason to go fishing and to build fellowship among the members.
Those BVFF members in good standing who successfully catch four Idaho native subspecies of cutthroat trout will receive a certificate, identified on the BVFF website, and recognized for their accomplishment.
Ted Eisele |
2/2020 |
| Tyrone Herfel | 7/2023 |
BVFF Idaho Native Cutthroat Slam Challenge | Michael K McVay | 3/2025 |
Catch and release four subspecies of Idaho native cutthroat trout using fly tackle and single barbless hooks.
When all four Idaho subspecies of cutthroat are caught, send your documentation and photographs to:
Entries need to be mailed to BVFF so that the postmark can be used to identify the order of arrival. If more than one entry is mailed on the same date the BVFF board members will determine the order of arrival by flip of a coin.Boise Valley Fly Fishers
Attn: Education Chair
PO Box 311
Boise, ID 83701
BVFF Cutt-Slam Log forms and other information files are available for download here:
BVFF ID Cutt-Slam Log Sheet & Rules | MS Word | |
List of Cutthroat Trout Species | MS Word |
1 | Coastal Cutthroat | O.c. clarkii | Oregon & Washington |
2 | Bonneville Cutthroat | O.c. utah | Idaho, Wyoming, & Utah |
3 | Lahontan Cutthroat | O.c. henshawii (T) | California, Nevada, Oregon, & Washington |
4 | Paiute Cutthroat | O.c. seleniris (T) | California |
5 | Snake River Fine-spotted Cutthroat | O.c. behnkei | Idaho & Wyoming |
6 | Westslope Cutthroat | O.c. lewisi | Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Oregon, & Washington |
7 | Yellowstone Cutthroat | O.c. bouvierii | Idaho, Wyoming, & Montana |
8 | Colorado River Cutthroat | O.c. pleuriticus | Wyoming & Utah |
9 | Greenback Cutthroat | O.c. stomias (T) | Colorado |
10 | Rio Grande Cutthroat | O.c. viginalis | New Mexico & Colorado |
All cutthroat sub-species are of the genus/species Oncorhynchus clarkii (O.c.)
Five species of Cutthroat Trout can be found in Idaho, although only four are considered native to Idaho. To find more information on each of the native trout, where they can be found, and some suggestions on flies to use, follow the page links.
COMMON NAME Bonneville Cutthroat [1] Snake Rver Fine-spotted Cutthroat Westslope Cutthroat Yellowstone Cutthroat Lahontan Cutthroat [2]
[1] Idaho F&G recognizes three native cutthroat subspecies in Idaho. The Fine-spotted Cutthroat is often considered a subspecies of the Yellowstone Cutthroat, and native.
[2] The Lahontan Cutthroat trout is stocked in a few locations within Idaho, but is not considered a cutthroat trout native to Idaho.