Boise Valley Fly Fishers
Since 1971



News and information on BVFF conservation projects

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  • 25 Mar 2025 12:40 PM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    Side channels, gravel and woody cover are all important for a healthy wild trout population. And while gravel augmentations may be “sexy”, unless there is safe refuge for the trout fry that hatch, then not many are going to make it to adulthood (something biologists call “recruitment”).

    IDF&G has told me they think a lack of woody cover is something that is keeping the Boise River from reaching its full potential. BVFF has been working to improve woody cover by partnering with the Boise Flood District and looking for opportunities to keep some wood in the river for fish and this January they worked out the permitting logistics to retain a tree instead of removing it. See this BVFF conservation blog for more details.

    This March, right before the flows came up, we were able to work with the flood district to retain a second tree in a side channel behind Expo Idaho. BVFF volunteers met with flood district manager Mark Zirschky to trim the tree back and secure it. Later this year the flood district will go through the additional permitting process to formally repurpose the tree and we will work with master arborist Zeke Willard and Idaho Tree Preservation Company to retain it.

    This latest tree is in one of the side channels behind the old Les Bois racetrack at Expo Idaho where BVFF has been working with the flood district, IDF&G and the City of Boise to restore winter flows. The City of Boise is working with HDR on engineering for the Les Bois side channels and we are excited about the potential for these side channels to flow year-round again! For more information about this project, see this BVFF Conservation Blog article.

    In March, BVFF also volunteered at the Diane Moore Nature Center to secure some large woody materials in their side channel to help prevent bank erosion and provide woody cover for trout. This side channel has a good amount of woody cover which will help the trout population there continue to grow.

    BVFF is grateful to IDF&G, the Boise Flood District, the City of Boise and the Diane Moore Nature Center for their efforts to improve woody cover on the Boise River. We are lucky to have such great partnerships with these people and organizations. My thanks to them and to all of the volunteers who continue to help with these projects, including everyone who volunteers for our yearly Fly Fishing Expo which provides the funds we use for these projects. It will be exciting to see what the next 5 years bring!

  • 16 Feb 2025 11:14 AM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    An update on our Owyhee River gravel augmentation project.  

    Our permits were issued later than expected last year so we planned to do the augmentation in early March--after potential ice out and before typical flow increases. We had all of the operations planned, however flood releases on the Owyhee river have started much earlier than expected. We were very surprised by the early increase in flows, as it is a-typical for the Irrigation District because they usually want to hold water in the reservoir as long as they can. But during last year's high water event, they realized that if they released some water early they can generate extra power income.

    The Owyhee mountains have a good snowpack and Owyhee reservoir has excellent carryover from last year which is allowing them to do early power generation this year. We asked them if they could reduce flows to winter levels (50 cfs) for a few days so we could do our augmentation and they said they could not, since they had started power generation they need at least 100cfs to run the turbines and they are adjusting flows based on inflows to the reservoir, which could change at any time. The higher flows make it difficult for us to accurately place the gravel and could be too high for volunteers to safely be in the water. Therefore we decided to push the date back until the end of the irrigation season in the Fall. 

    There are some positives about shifting the project to the Fall. The weather will likely be better, making access to the gravel staging area easier and we won’t have to worry about high flows potentially moving the gravel downstream before brown trout get a chance to use it. Stay tuned for more details.

    My thanks to the volunteers who have helped get this augmentation planned, including Forrest Goodrum, Jon Fishback, Scott Lenz, Greg Hitchcock, Randy James, Brian Martin and Kent Christensen. I would like to thank our partners for their support and patience as we work to get the gravel into the river where it can do the most good.

    The current budget and funding sources for the gravel augmentation are below, including a generous $2,000 donation from the Snake River Waterkeeper organization. Additional funding for this project comes from funds raised at BVFF’s Expo, Greenbacks for Redds, and Idaho Gives Campaign.

  • 12 Feb 2025 11:33 AM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    by Troy Pearse, Conservation Director

    What do you think of when you see a tree that has fallen into the river? Some people perceive it as ugly--something that needs to be cleaned up. The flood district sees it as a potential flood hazard. Recreational floaters see it as a hazard to avoid.  But fish see it as a safe refuge from current and predators.

    In our work with Idaho Fish and Game (IDF&G) on the Boise River, they have repeatedly emphasized how important woody cover is to fish, and that it is particularly important to the overwinter survival of trout fry and recruitment into adulthood. Conversations with Tracy Hillman (senior ecologist and CEO at the company BioAnalysts, which specializes in fish habitat restoration) have further reinforced how important woody cover is to fish.

    I have had the opportunity to help IDF&G do electro-fishing trout fry surveys on the Boise River several times, including in our side channel after our gravel augmentations. Two things that stood out to me are that side channels have significantly higher numbers of trout fry (compared to the main river channel) and that most of the trout fry we found were located near woody cover. For example, when electro-fishing our side channel, we found no trout fry where we started 50 feet below this logjam, but once we got to the edges of it, trout fry, dace and shiners started popping up everywhere! This reinforces that fry use woody cover for refuge and that having more woody cover throughout the river has the potential to increase the number of trout fry that make it to adulthood.

    BVFF has been lucky to be working at the Diane Moore Nature Center where they recently completed a side channel restoration project, which included lots of natural woody cover. As a part of this project, BVFF developed and installed this sign emphasizing the importance of side channels and woody cover.

    The first spring the side channel had water, Greg Kaltenecker (Executive Director of the Diane Moore Nature Center) reported rainbow trout spawning there. Talking with Greg we wondered how successful their spawning had been and if there were many trout fry in the side channel. One way that IDF&G counts fry is to snorkel the river, so we decided to give it a try! One August afternoon, Klaus Kissman, Dennis Moore and I donned wetsuits and snorkled our way up the side channel. As soon as we put our heads underwater we started to see trout fry! One thing that stood out is that they liked to hold by wood in the water, with the largest clusters of fry being around logjams. Snorkeling the side channel reinforced how important woody cover is and increased our motivation to improve woody cover in our own side channel.

    Idaho Fish and Game describes the Boise River as “… one of the finest urban trout rivers in the country.” Being an urban river means it runs through a developed area and has to be managed to keep it from wandering into neighborhoods. The Flood District is tasked with removing trees that have fallen into the river to maintain a clear river channel to reduce flood risk and damage to private and public property. However, removing all that wood from the river means that fish have less woody cover.  IDF&G has been working with the flood district to improve woody cover on the Boise River and over the years the flood district has looked for ways to keep trees from falling into the river. However, once a tree is in the river, their permits from the Army Corps of Engineers and Idaho Department of Water Resources only allowed them to remove it.

    The flood district has been looking into how they could repurpose wood in the river instead of removing it. This summer, conservation team member Jeff Jones and I met with flood district manager Mark Zirschky and IDF&G SW Regional Fisheries Manager, Art Butts, to review woody cover in our side channel, including a tree that had fallen just upstream of the side channel. Mark thought the tree was a good candidate to try securing vs removing, as it was protecting the bank and not a floater hazard. And while Art was describing the benefits to fish (as if on cue…) we saw a nice rainbow trout emerge from the woody cover and start to feed. How cool was that! We all sat and watched it and knew keeping this tree was a good idea! 

    After meeting with the flood district and IDF&G, I reached out to club member Zeke Willard, who is a master arborist and owner of Idaho Tree Preservation Company, and the person who started the “#FillTheNet” movement. Zeke was very excited about the project as it married two of his passions—fishing and trees. The flood district coordinated an on-site meeting with the permitting agencies and Zeke described how he would secure the tree. The permitting agencies were all very supportive and having a master arborist involved gave the flood district the confidence it needed to proceed.  The flood district worked through the additional permitting hurdles to be able to secure and repurpose downed trees where they can safely be used to prevent bank erosion and improve aquatic habitat, and this January they repurposed their first tree. The flood district issued this press release and held a press conference at the site to tell people about the project. Here is a story that ran on KTVB.

    This tree is just the first of what we hope will be many repurposed trees along the banks of the Boise River.  BVFF plans to float the Boise River in the Fall and identify trees that are good candidates for being retained and then review them with Zeke and Mark. The flood district will then submit for approval from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and the Army Corps to retain trees they feel would help protect the bank, are not a hazard to floaters, and would improve aquatic habitat. After the Flood District gets approval, BVFF will work with Zeke and Idaho Tree Preservation to secure the trees.

    This project didn't happen overnight. IDF&G has been talking about the importance of woody cover with stakeholders that manage the river, including the flood district and fire departments. Support from the flood district started with former Chairman Bill Clayton, who was an avid fly fisherman and recognized the need to manage the Boise River for multiple uses. Bill brought in now retired Flood District Manager, Mike Dimmick who worked with the many Boise River stakeholders (including BVFF) and paved the way for changes like this. I am extremely grateful for our partnership with IDF&G, the Flood District and Idaho Tree Preservation Company and the support of the Idaho Department of Water Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers. And I am excited about the potential this effort has to improve the trout population in the coming years. WOOD IS GOOD!  


  • 15 Jan 2025 10:20 PM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    After years of working through logistics and paperwork we finally have our permits and have set Friday March 7th as the date for the Owyhee River gravel augmentation!

    This augmentation is significantly larger than our Boise River gravel augmentation in 2023, and has more complicated permitting and logistics.  We are getting 100 cubic yards of ¾ +/- washed round gravel from a Sunroc pit in Notus and using a gravel slinger from Conveyored Materials Company of Idaho to throw the gravel into the river from the road. CMCI is sending their newest gravel slinger and most experienced driver in order to reach the far side of the river and accurately lay down 6 inches of gravel.  Here is a video (Slinger.mp4) of their gravel slinger in action. It sure beats moving the gravel to the river with wheelbarrows, and will be quite the show! 

    The Owyhee Augmentation sub-team members met at the site this week to review the two planned augmentation and gravel staging areas. We used the information from a Redd Study we did with ODFW back in 2021 to map out 4 gravel augmentation zones below Sand Hollow and 1 below the Bridge that have the right depth and water velocity for brown trout redds, and are accessible by the gravel slinger. It’s exciting to look down at the river and imagine all of the new gravel that will be available for brown trout spawning.

    ODFW does yearly brown trout redd counts on the Owyhee river and confirms that these zones have not had any brown trout spawning activity. Hopefully that will change this Fall ! Our experience on the Boise river is that trout find and use the gravel for spawning the very first year after it is added. It will be exciting to track how trout use the new habitat. If all goes well we plan to install a trout habitat sign similar to the one we added to our Boise River augmentation site.

    The sub team has a lot of work to coordinate the gravel augmentation and will meet with ODFW and the BLM in late February to do a final site review and confirm the augmentation zones. We are working up a list of volunteer tasks and will be posting an event on soon.

    Thanks to those who have helped with the augmentation so far, including Forrest Goodrum and Jon Fishback who helped with initial project planning and our current sub-team: Scott Lenz, Greg Hitchcock, Randy James, Kent Christensen, Brian Martin and Troy Pearse.

    BVFF's Fly Fishing Expo is the fundraising engine for this, and other conservation projects.  My thanks to everyone who works on the Expo to make these projects possible. Additional funding has come from Fly Fisher’s International, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Snake River Waterkeepers, our 2023 Idaho Gives campaign that was run by Brian Martin and Deborah DeSousa and everyone who bought a “Greenback”. 

    BVFF's Fly Fishing Expo is coming up at the end of January and has an excellent set of fly fishing programs, fly tiers and vendors. Please make an effort to attend, and bring a friend!  More information can be found at the Expo Website.

    Thanks to our partners who have helped us get this project put together, including Dave Banks and Kirk Handley from ODFW; Jonah Blustain from the BLM; Jennifer and Alex Babcock at the Owyhee River Ranch.

    For more information on the study we did with ODFW to identify this gravel augmentation location, see the conservation blog article below.

    Owyhee River Gravel Augmentation Study

  • 06 Jan 2025 3:39 PM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    I joined Boise Valley Fly Fishers in 2020 and volunteered for some conservation projects. I liked working on conservation projects and wanted to do more and volunteered to take over the #FillTheNet program from BVFF President Tom Old, who was inspired by a past club member Zeke Willard's #FillTheNet efforts. My role was to motivate anglers to use their nets to pick up a little trash each time they went fishing and to recognize them on our BVFF Facebook page to help make their efforts visible, with the hope that others would follow suit. Four years later our #FillTheNet program is going strong and I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has Filled Their Nets! Idaho Fish and Game even took notice and made an anti-litter advertisement in the fishing regs that asks anglers to Fill Their Nets!

    Over the first couple of years of the #FillTheNet program our members started posting photos of discarded fishing line. In 2022, BVFF joined the Golden Eagle Audubon Society during one of their Boise River clean-ups and we found numerous trees and bushes with tangles of fishing line. Sadly, members and local birders have also found dead birds who got caught in the broken-off fishing line. Clearly there was a need for some fishing line collectors. Talking with John Cassinelli, the IDF&G SW Regional Fisheries Manager at the time, he encouraged us to use a bird-friendly design, as birds can get trapped inside when trying to nest in the tube. Members of the Golden Eagle Audubon club shared designs that had a slit rubber cover over the opening, and although that slit cover solved the bird nesting problem, it created another because people are less likely to put their hands into a "jar of sharps" when they cannot see into the container.

    We found several fishing line collectors at a few local ponds that had been installed years ago as part of an Eagle Scout Project. They were getting used but were often found overflowing. Who was servicing them, we wondered? Full fishing line collectors were another problem to investigate. While doing some fly casting demos at Eagle Island State Park we saw they had several fishing line collector tubes around their pond and we started talking with them about their experience with them, which was the start of a wonderful partnership. The Park Rangers told us the current designs were difficult to empty, and they wished they could hold more. They gave us feedback on our designs, and 4 versions later we have something that is safe for birds, easy for users, has more capacity and is easy to service. The new collectors have:

    • A bigger 6” tube, to hold more fishing line;
    • A flip-cover to prevent birds from nesting but is easy for users to open;
    • A clear main tube, which shows users the intended contents and helps the park easily check the fill level;
    • And a removable bottom to make it easy to empty.

    In December, with the help of Eagle Island State Park personnel, BVFF installed 3 of the new mono collectors around the pond. While doing the installation we picked up a lot of fishing line and noticed numerous fishing line and lures in trees. Later in the month club members returned with ladders and an extended pole cutter and retrieved dozens of bobbers, hooks, lures and tons of fishing line from the trees. We also removed an oriole nest that had a lot of fishing line and would be a danger to birds next season.

    The old fishing line collector design had boating related stickers that didn't match the needs at Eagle Island State Park, so we are working with the Park Rangers on a small informational sign that can be mounted with the collector.

    A special thanks for Johannes Giessen, Eagle Island State Park Manager, and his staff. It has been a pleasure working with a professional team wanting to do the right thing. Eagle Island State Park has been the perfect place for us to install our new mono collectors.

    1. They have a significant issue with broken off fishing line, from newbie fishermen;
    2. They are in a location along the river with lots of birds, wildlife, people and dogs that could get caught in the broken off fishing line or hooks;
    3. And are staffed and able to monitor and regularly service the fishing line collectors;

    We will be featuring our new Fishing Line Collector at the BVFF Expo Booth, Jan 31 and Feb 1st. Stop by and check it out! And don’t forget to keep your eyes out for broken off fishing line and Fill Your Net the next time you’re out fishing. To help inspire others to fill their nets, consider posting a photo to our BVFF Facebook page, or you can email it to us at

    Volunteering for BVFF is a rewarding experience. There are many opportunities to help our mission of Fly Fishing Conservation, Access and Education. I encourage members to get involved and make a difference.

    Thank you,
    George Butts
    BVFF Board Member
    Fishing Line Collector Lead
    #FillTheNet Coordinator
    #LeaveItBetter Member

  • 21 Nov 2024 10:02 AM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    The US Army Corps of Engineers is partnering with Boise State University to do ecological restoration in the Barber Pool Conservation Area. The project is part of the Army Corps program to help restore areas that have been impacted by their operations, such as the Lucky Peak dam. The ecological restoration project is in the feasibility phase and they are looking input from the public to help them prioritize restoration options.

    Some of the options being investigated are:

    • Create side channels to improve trout and whitefish spawning habitat.
    • Construct habitat features to improve trout and whitefish fry survival.
    • Improve riparian and wetland habitats.

    Public input will shape what options the Army Corps decides to pursue. Please take a few minutes to give them input by going to their project website . An online presentation is scheduled for Monday Nov 25th. Details on how to join the online public scoping meeting are located on the project’s web page.

    BVFF is contributing $10,000 to the investigation phase of the project and we want to be involved in volunteering to help with some of the habitat improvement projects over the coming years. We have a special interest in improving trout spawning and rearing habitat, so we would like to see at least one trout spawning side channel added, as well as improving woody cover. The recent side channel restoration at the Diane Moore Nature Center, just above the Barber Pool, has been a great success and has improved trout spawning and rearing conditions. Side channel restorations should also include adding spawning size gravels, as much of the existing deposition in this section of the river is sandy and not suitable for trout spawning. In addition, we would like to see additional angler access points to the Barber Pool where possible.

    Thank you for taking the time to give public input to help shape this project. It is an amazing opportunity to improve the Boise River.  We would like to thank Greg Kaltenecker for his continued vision and leadership, and recognize the contributions of other organizations including Idaho Fish and Game, The City of Boise, Micron, BSU Intermountain Bird Observatory, Harris Ranch Wildlife Mitigation Association, The Nature Conservancy, Golden Eagle Audubon Society, Merrick and Company, and the Idaho Foundation for Parks and Lands.

    And a special thanks goes to all the volunteers that make BVFF's Fly Fishing Expo happen. This is the main fund raising engine that allows BVFF to participate in projects like this.  We hope to see all of you there this year, Friday January 31 and Saturday February 1, 2025.  BRING A FRIEND!

  • 27 Oct 2024 8:56 AM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    BVFF started work on a gravel augmentation on the Owyhee River in Fall of 2021. Our gravel augmentations on the Lower Boise River had gone smoothly and we anticipated a similar process on the Owyhee. However, the process has been much more complicated and lengthier than we anticipated.

    First there were complications with getting landowner (BLM) and Malheur county approval for the project and there is a chain of permits that need to be filed--each having its own review period. We started with the Army Corps which then required a Dept of Water Quality permit and approval from the Department of State Lands and the Environmental Protection Agency. We are getting close to the Dept of Water Quality permit being approved which will then move us into the last permitting review from the EPA. Our best estimate is that the permitting will be complete sometime in December of 2024 (barring any complications or additional permit review requirements). If all goes well, we hope to do the gravel augmentation in late winter (late Feb or early March).

    Once we get the permits we still have significant work to get the gravel into the river. If you are able to help with any of these tasks, please reach out to me at "".

    • Create a plan to monitor water turbidity, which is required by DEQ
    • Work with Malheur Road District on traffic control plan
    • Coordinate gravel delivery from Suroc and staging at the site.
    • Coordinate gravel slinger truck and front end loader from the Owyhee River Ranch
    • Do a site review with ODFW
    • Tool rental
    • BVFF Volunteer Coordination

    This gravel augmentation is ten times as large as our Boise River gravel augmentations and the project location is more remote, which significantly increases the cost. The price has gone up significantly in the last 3 years and we have done additional fund raising to help pay for the project. We have:

    • $3,000 grant from FFI
    • $2,000 grant from Oregon Dept of Fish and Wildlife
    • $2,000 donation pledge from the Snake River Water Keepers
    • The Owyhee River Ranch is helping by using their front end loader to move gravel, a value of $500.
    • $1,400 raised by selling “Greenbacks for Redds”. If you want to help with the project, you can buy a “Greenback” at the BVFF store.

    We want to thank everyone who has helped us along the way on this project. Our friends at the Owyhee River Ranch; Fish biologists Dave Banks and Kirk Handley at ODFW; and especially the organizations and people who have donated to make this project happen.

    A site photo, site plan and aerial map from our stream alteration permit application is shown below. For more details about the gravel augmentation project, see our conservation blog Owyhee River Gravel Augmentation and our Owyhee River Gravel Augmentation Study.

  • 27 Oct 2024 8:22 AM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    The Bureau of Reclamation is looking for the public's feedback on a proposal to replace and modernize the Ridenbaugh Canal. Irrigation canals are essential to water distribution for irrigation in the Treasure Valley but most were built before any thought was given to their impact on fish. As a result, many fish get pulled into them and end up dying at the end of every irrigation season when the irrigation water is turned off. This modernization project is an opportunity to prevent that problem.  

    Talking with Idaho Fish and Game Southwest Regional Fishery Manager Art Butts, he said that IDF&G's position that this modernization project should (1) include screening or other mechanisms to prevent fish entrapment; (2) that sedimentation should be controlled to reduce the impact to brown trout and mountain whitefish redds/nests which are vulnerable December – February; and (3) efforts should be made to minimize damage to the riparian zone.

    BVFF agree's with IDGF&G's recommendations, and in addition, BVFF sees this as an opportunity to help improve the spawning habitat on the Boise River by adding gravel into the river by using gravel-bag cofferdams and then emptying the gravel into the river when construction is complete. This is an approach used at the Garden City Heron Park project in 2020. Adding spawning size gravel back into the river is helpful as the Boise River is starved for gravel because Lucky Peak prevents new gravels from migrating downstream into the Boise river below. Gravel added in this location would migrate downstream over time and improve spawning habitat for trout and whitefish.

    We encourage BVFF members to review the scoping document and send public comments about the project by emailing "" by October 31, 2024.

    Ridenbaugh Canal Headworks Modernization Project is below and the Rdenbaugh Canal Headworks Modernization Project scoping document can be found HERE:

    For history on the Ridenbaugh and other local canals, see:

    You can read more about BVFF’s first Boise River Gravel Augmentation HERE

    You can find out more about Trout Unlimited’s gravel augmentation projects HERE.  

  • 08 Oct 2024 8:32 PM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    In a recent conversation with Idaho Fish and Game's SW Regional Fisheries Manager, Art Butts, Art pointed out to me that while IDF&G did not adopt BVFF's proposal to manage the Boise River above Barber Dam for wild trout, they did add goals to improve trout habitat which were directly influenced by BVFF's efforts. Art went on to say that these types of changes are much more effective at improving the wild trout population than making changes to the fishing rules. Here is the excerpt from the Fish Management Plan for “Additional Management Directions” for the Boise River that Art was referring to:

    Foster efforts to prioritize and improve habitat complexity, water quality, and reconnect floodplain and riparian processes, especially in side channels and tributaries. Collaborate with local and federal agencies and private groups to maintain or enhance in-channel wood and woody debris.

    BVFF appreciates IDF&G's continued partnership to improve trout habitat on the river, especially their work to lead the effort to restore year-round flows to a mile of side channel spawning and rearing habitat behind Expo Idaho. BVFF also appreciates IDF&G’s efforts to work with the flood district and fire department to educate them on the importance of wood in the water to provide cover for trout. In fact, much of the technical content of these conservation blogs are based on conversations with SW Fisheries Manager Art Butts, the previous SW Fisheries Manager John Cassinelli and Fisheries Biologist Tim D'Amico, all who have repeatedly emphasized the importance of side channel habitat and woody cover, which has driven much of BVFF’s conservation efforts.

    I completely agree with Art's statement that habitat improvement is the best way to improve the Boise River's trout population, and to that end, I am pleased to announce that BVFF is participating in a habitat restoration project in the Barber Pool section of the Boise River and has pledged $10,000 over 3 years to a feasibility study to identify ways to improve habitat conditions on that stretch of river. Project goals are to restore multiple side channels, create wetland habitat, enhance riparian vegetation, and develop recreational infrastructure that protects sensitive areas while providing for limited public access. A public scoping meeting is expected soon—stay tuned for more details. Here is more information about the Barber Pool Conservation Area.

    BVFF is grateful to be able to participate in the Barber Pool Project, and we are excited about the potential that the trout habitat improvements represent for the wild trout population. We appreciate the partnership of BSU and the Diane Moore Nature Center and the extraordinary leadership of Greg Kaltenecker. I am excited about the potential this project has and expect there will be many volunteer opportunities for BVFF club members to participate in the coming years.

    I want to thank all the people who help make our BVFF Fly Fishing Expo happen every year. It is the fund-raising engine that enables us to invest in great projects like this. BVFF's Fly Fishing Expo continues to grow and we need volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please go to our Expo Volunteer Web Page.

  • 13 Aug 2024 6:34 PM | Troy Pearse (Administrator)

    Idaho Fish and Game (IDF&G) has completed incorporating public input into their Fisheries Management Plan and is seeking final public input. For more information, see their website . BVFF encourages anglers to review the new plan and give their comments by August 26th.

    Earlier this year BVFF submitted input to IDF&G on their Fisheries Management Plan and Fishing Regulations to add protections for wild trout in the Boise River above Barber Dam. This section has been only occasionally stocked by IDF&G but has developed good population of wild rainbow trout. Our proposal was to manage this section of the river for wild trout, including ceasing stocking it and either closing it during spawning season or reducing bag limits. Before submitting the proposal, we surveyed area anglers to gauge their level of support for this type of change and were pleased to see that 94% of anglers surveyed (of all types) were supportive of giving this area special protection. For full details on the proposal and angler feedback, see this conservation blog article.

    Unfortunately, neither IDF&G's new Fisheries Management Plan or the recent regulation changes incorporated any of BVFF’s requests to help protect the wild trout population in the Barber Pool area. BVFF met with IDF&G about our proposal and Southwest Regional Fishery Manager, Art Butts, explained that IDF&G does not know much about the Boise River between Barber Dam and Lucky Peak. It is part of their yearly fry surveys but has not been part of their Triennial Adult Trout Mark-Recapture Surveys because the depths of Barber Pool make it difficult to electro-fish. Art told us that IDF&G wants to study the area to better understand the fishery, which is the first step to protecting it. He said they also want to try and establish a wild brown trout population in that section using egg-boxes which are secured in-stream and allow for a more natural hatching and rearing process.

    Although BVFF is disappointed that IDF&G did not incorporate any of our feedback into the Fisheries Management Plan, we are very encouraged that they want to study this section of the Boise River and we support their efforts to establish a wild brown trout population. BVFF believes this section of the Boise river is special and plans to continue to invest resources and volunteer efforts including doing additional snorkel trout fry surveys and supporting a Barber Pool side channel complexity project that has just started. Stay tuned for more details about that, and for information about last year’s snorkel survey, see this conservation blog article.

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The Boise Valley Fly Fishermen, Inc is a non-profit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, incorporated in the State of Idaho
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