On September 16, 2022, I began a journey that set a lot of firsts for my wife and me that continues today. You would have found my wife, Lynda, and me fishing the famed South Fork of the Snake River for the first time ever. This was our first time in a drift boat . Our first BVFF Outing. Our first guided fishing trip. My first Cutthroat Trout.

That first outing with BVFF is one filled with many memories. It wasn't just about the fishing. It was more about the experience and opportunity to connect with others who share the same passion for the spectacular world we live in. A chance to get to know others in the club in a setting where your thoughts are about the next cast, the amazing waterfall, the terrific food George and Linda Butts prepared, or who made that amazing broccoli salad?
This September, BVFF's annual trek east to the beautiful Swan Valley in eastern Idaho is fast approaching. There are 17 members and guests registered with plenty of time and room for you join us. I hope you seriously consider making this year's outing.
This outing is being hosted by Mark Aldridge and Kent Black and takes place on a world premier fly fishing river with Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout, and Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat. You can get your start on the BVFF Cutthroat Slam.
There are also myriad other rivers and streams within a short distance. The Teton River and Henry's Fork are not too far. Many small mountain streams flow into the SF Snake and Pallisades Reservoir and offer the best chance at the Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat. The Salt River flows in at the head of the reservior.
Join us this year and start your own firsts, meet others from the club, and make memories that will last your lifetime.