September 15 to 18, found about 12 BVFF members and their guests back in eastern Idaho. This time we were fly fishing the renowned South Fork of the Snake River. This is an annual trip each September we take to this extraordinary river.
Thank You! to Mark Aldridge and Kent Black who hosted this year's outing.

As Mark writes:
We had a successful outing on the SFS this year. 12 of the 23 members registered for the event showed up. The weather cooperated and we had clear blue skies with a gentle breeze. The Friday night meet and greet at the Hover Camp provided an opportunity for some early lying. Saturday evening, we cooked and ate some tasty sausages and enjoyed a number of delicious side dishes provided by the members.

The fishing was good, but the catching was on the slow side. Most members reported 2 to 5 fish per person per day. The fish didn't just eat any fly drifted overhead. Streamers and or nymphs under a big hopper brought the most fish to the net. Jeff Jones reported great fishing from first light for about an hour and then during the last hour or so in the evening. Fishing during the remainder of the day was slow.

Discussion amongst members on the outing favored moving the event up next year to the salmon fly hatch in the summer. Look for an event posting for this trip to be held in either July or August. In summary, a good time was had by all!
Very respectfully,
Mark Aldridge
The Teton River in Driggs has some terrific cutthroat fishing and word is that some impressive brown trout have moved upriver from the Henry’s Fork. My wife and I tested this waterway on Saturday and had a wonderful time with our guide from Idaho Anglers. The fishing was fantastic, catching not so much as we missed hooksets on many fish. A cow and calf moose also shared the river during our float.