Boise Valley Fly Fishers
Since 1971


Speaking of Filling the Net...

30 Aug 2022 8:35 AM | Deleted user

by George Butts, Fill The Net Coordinator

As I’ve driven the roads into each river and parked my car, I notice trash here and there. I must admit, I don’t always stop to pick it up, though I often do. I encourage you to take a few minutes from your fishing outings to pick up what others have left behind. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Where you park your car look around. There’s usually something to pick up,
  2. As you are fishing, look along the shore and even in the river. I’ve found Korker soles, lures, monofilament, bait containers, and a fine pair of nail clippers. I’ll often stick these items in my chest pouch, set them on shore, and pick them up on my way back up or down the river,
  3. Walking back to your car on a trail or along the road after a day on the river is often productive.

Be sure to take a picture and post it to Facebook, Instagram using the hashtags #FillTheNet and #LeaveItBetter, the BVFF website, BVFF Blog, or send it to George Butts. Your example is needed to encourage others to follow. As to the swag that George sends, if you don’t want it, just let him know.

To the left you can see “Mutt Mitts,” which are on the greenbelt for trash collecting. #FillTheNet and #LeaveItBetter

These Trout Hero mesh bags (picture to the right) are great to have on the river to pack out trash. And Pescador On The Fly will send you one for FREE! Be a Trout Hero!

To get your own mesh bag go HERE. Use Code TROUTHERO at check- out.

Imagine if every time you hit the stream, you make it a little bit cleaner. Imagine if you go fishing two times per month, you could effectively take twenty four bags of trash from the wilderness each year. Now imagine if 100 people adopt this new habit. That’s twenty four hundred bags of trash from the wilderness. Now imagine of we get to one thousand anglers, then ten thousand anglers. We can make a difference.

(Image left: Floater season on the Boise river is resulting in lots of trash.)

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The Boise Valley Fly Fishermen, Inc is a non-profit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, incorporated in the State of Idaho
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